Self-Care Day with Dr. Paulina Smaszcz at Belmonte!
SELF-CARE DAY AT BELMONTE – DISCOVER YOUR INNER STRENGTHWe invite you to a unique event for women who want to take care of their development, regeneration, and harmony of body and mind. On Saturday, March 22, at Belmonte Hotel Krynica-Zdrój, a one-day Self-Care Day with Dr. Paulina Smaszcz – an expert in personal development and communication – will take place.
Pomysł na walentynki – jak zaskoczyć ukochaną osobę?
Walentynki to dla wielu par szczególny dzień, który chcą spędzić w wyjątkowy sposób.
Narty w Krynicy-Zdroju. Gdzie szusować w Beskidzie Sądeckim?
Krynica-Zdrój, która jest sercem Beskidu Sądeckiego, to nie tylko popularne uzdrowisko. Zimą miasto zmienia się w chętnie odwiedzany kurort narciarski.
Gdzie na narty w Polsce? Najlepsze ośrodki narciarskie
Zaczynasz planować zimowy urlop, ale nie wiesz, gdzie na polskich stokach możesz liczyć na naprawdę dobre warunki śniegowe, nowoczesną infrastrukturę i dodatkowe atrakcje? Okazuje się, że rodzime ośrodki narciarskie coraz śmielej mogą konkurować z zagranicznymi kurortami.
Co zabrać w góry zimą? Niezbędnik turysty
Góry zimą mają niepowtarzalny urok, który skutecznie przyciąga turystów spragnionych pięknych widoków. Należy jednak pamiętać, że o tej porze roku góry są szczególnie wymagające – nie tylko dla osób bez doświadczenia. Z tego powodu do zimowego wyjazdu trzeba się odpowiednio przygotować.
Góry zimą dla początkujących – jak się przygotować i jakie trasy wybrać?
Choć góry zachwycają o każdej porze roku, to właśnie zimą, przykryte warstwą białego puchu, odkrywają swój niezwykły urok i przyciągają turystów, liczących na piękne widoki i niezapomniane wrażenia. Jeśli jednak w trakcie wypoczynku planujesz przemierzać górskie szlaki, musisz pamiętać, że góry zimą są szczególnie wymagające – szczególnie jeśli będzie to Twój debiut w takich warunkach.
Terminy ferii zimowych 2025 – kiedy są ferie w tym roku szkolnym?
Koniec wakacji i początek roku szkolnego często powodują, że zaczynamy częściej myśleć o... najbliższej przerwie od pracy i nauki. Uczniowie i rodzice wypatrują więc nie tylko, kiedy przypada przerwa świąteczna, ale przede wszystkim jakie są terminy rozpoczęcia i zakończenia ferii zimowych.
Beskid Sądecki with a dog – why it's worth it and what to see?
The Sądecki Beskid is a great place to relax at any time of the year. Moreover, there are excellent conditions for regenerating strength not only as a couple or with family, but also with four-legged friends.
Beskid Sądecki in autumn – what worth seeing?
The Sądecki Beskid is an incredibly picturesque mountain range in the Western Carpathians, part of the Western Beskids.
Gdzie na długi weekend sierpniowy? Pomysły na wyjazd w góry
Długie weekendy to doskonała okazja na to, by wybrać się na krótki urlop. Tylko gdzie warto go spędzić – na łonie natury, zwiedzając nowe, ciekawe miejsca, a może organizując relaksujące wczasy? Możliwości jest naprawdę mnóstwo, ale każda z opcji pozwoli Ci oderwać się od zgiełku i spojrzeć na codzienne obowiązki z zupełnie innej perspektywy.
Co robić w górach, jak pada? Atrakcje na niepogodę
Chyba każdy z nas marzy, by w trakcie wakacji móc cieszyć się piękną pogodą – słońcem, wysoką temperaturą i lekkim, orzeźwiającym wiatrem. W praktyce jednak bywa różnie, dlatego przed wyjazdem warto sprawdzić, co można robić w danym miejscu w czasie deszczu, gdy trudno o aktywności na świeżym powietrzu.
Co oznaczają kolory szlaków w górach? Wyjaśniamy!
Zielone szlaki są najłatwiejsze, a czarne najtrudniejsze? Kolory szlaków górskich mają określone znaczenie, ale ku zaskoczeniu wielu turystów – wcale nie odnoszą się do stopnia ich trudności.
Co można robić w górach? Pomysły na letni wypoczynek
Pobyt w górach kojarzy się przede wszystkim z pieszymi wycieczkami. Nie jest to jednak jedyna możliwość. Przede wszystkim aktywny wypoczynek może przybierać najróżniejsze oblicza, a ponadto w takim miejscu czekają na Was liczne atrakcje turystyczne, zachwycające krajobrazy i lokalna kultura.
European Running Festival in Krynica-Zdrój
28.06.2024 -30.06.2024
European Running Festival in Krynica-Zdrój: Sport, Culture, and Unforgettable ExperiencesOn this occasion, we are offering a special 15% discount on stays in our hotel with the discount code BIEGAM from 27.06. to 02.07.2024.
Creative Holidays in Belmonte - Maciek and Blocks
15.07.2024 -21.07.2024
Creative Holidays in Belmonte with Maciek and BricksWe cordially invite you to an extraordinary event - Creative Holidays in Belmonte with Maciek and Bricks! From July 15-21, 2024, you will have the opportunity to meet Maciek Kośmicki, a well-known YouTuber and LEGO creation master.
Voucher do hotelu – kiedy warto podarować go w prezencie?
Pobyt w hotelu to sprawdzony sposób na relaks oraz oderwanie się od codziennych obowiązków. Znasz kogoś, komu przyda się regenerujący wyjazd? A może zbliża się święto bliskiej Ci osoby i chcesz wręczyć jej wyjątkowy prezent? W każdym z tych przypadków świetnym rozwiązaniem jest voucher do hotelu – sprawdź, z jakiej okazji warto wręczyć go w prezencie.
Jak zaplanować romantyczny wypad? Pomysły na weekend we dwoje
Codzienny pośpiech oraz natłok obowiązków domowych i zawodowych niekiedy nie pozostawiają ani przestrzeni, ani energii na pielęgnowanie romantycznych uczuć. Jeśli coraz częściej brakuje Wam chwil spędzanych tylko we dwoje, najwyższy czas zaplanować wspólny wyjazd, podczas którego będziecie mogli skupić się wyłącznie na sobie i Waszej relacji.
How to dress in the mountains during summer? Holiday essentials
Mountain trips are an excellent way to spend an active vacation in the fresh air. Thanks to a great variety of trails, this form of activity is available both for seasoned hikers and for beginners. However, regardless of whether we choose an easy or demanding route, we should be properly prepared for the trip - also in terms of clothing.
How to learn to rest? Methods for effective regeneration
It might seem there's nothing simpler than resting. Nothing could be further from the truth – in the everyday environment of each of us, an increasing number of people can be observed feeling constantly tired even after a free afternoon or weekend.
Long June Weekend in the World of Magic
30.05.2024 -02.06.2024
🧙‍♂️🔮🌟 Coming Soon at Hotel Belmonte: Magical Long June Weekend in the World of Spells! 🌟🔮🧙‍♂️Join us to penetrate the world of magic and spells during the upcoming long weekend in June!📅 From May 30 to June 2, 2024, a full program of charms and unforgettable adventures awaits you, satisfying both small and slightly bigger fans of the series!Located in the picturesque Krynica-Zdrój, Hotel Belmonte...
Where to go for a June weekend?
The long June weekend is an excellent opportunity to plan a few days off and take a break from everyday life, regenerate vital forces, and spend time interestingly - whether on your own or with loved ones.
Long May Weekend with E-BIKES in Belmonte
26.04.2024 -05.05.2024
We invite all cycling enthusiasts to a bicycle May Day in Belmonte: Active Weekend with E-bike! Unforgettable experiences for bicycle lovers! We kick off our two-wheel adventure on May 2, including with electric bikes! It's a perfect opportunity to delve into the secrets of our gear and prepare for an unforgettable journey.
Automotive Weekend with Mercedes Benz
19.04.2024 -21.04.2024
Join an unparalleled expedition with Mercedes-Benz.This is a unique opportunity to experience luxury in a completely new light. During this weekend, from April 19th to April 21st, we will have the opportunity to present the latest Mercedes models on the Beskid trails.
March as Women's Month
International Women's Day, celebrated on 8 March, has inspired Hotel Belmonte and given us the opportunity not only to celebrate, but also to take specific actions to support women in difficult life situations.One of our key events is a CSR campaign in which we will be donating a percentage of the funds from bookings made in March to the Embrace Foundation.
Where to go for Easter?
Easter getaways are an idea that continues to enjoy unwavering popularity. It's a great way to not just escape the holiday hustle and bustle but also to break free from everyday duties, recharge your batteries, and spend quality time with loved ones.
Dress code in the hotel – what can you wear, and what should you avoid?
For most of us, a trip to an attractive tourist destination is a dream opportunity to break away from routine and forget about the rules that apply every day. But does the dress code count among them? Although we do not have to stick to strict norms, there are certain rules that we should follow even on vacation.
Why is it worth spending the holidays in a hotel?
Every year, we wish our loved ones a merry and peaceful Christmas. But what if this time we fulfilled our own wish and treated ourselves to holidays full of joy, attractions, and relaxation? Achieving this desire is easier than it may seem and is within reach – by spending an unforgettable Christmas in a beautiful hotel.
Where to go with a dog on vacation?
Currently, the vast majority of dog and cat caretakers treat their pets as family members. In this light, it is not surprising that when planning a vacation, winter break, or holidays, we want to take our four-legged friend with us.
Where to go for winter holidays in the mountains? To the Beskid Sądecki!
Winter holidays in the mountains are a proven idea for relaxation both alone or as a couple, and with the whole family. But where is the best place to go for winter holidays in the mountains? Depending on individual preferences, we can rest in famous resorts or idyllic, small towns.
Black Weekend 2023!
22.11.2023 -26.11.2023
Plan your stay at Black Weekend pricesCatch #belmoments with us, now 20% cheaper! We are starting the great Black Weekend promotion! Throughout the extended weekend from November 23-26, you can book a stay at Belmonte 20% cheaper! The discount applies to offers: Stay with breakfast and Stay with breakfast and dinner available from December 26 to 30, 2023, and from January 2 to 13, 2024.
New Year's Eve at the hotel - why is it worth it and where is the best place to go?
New Year's Eve is one of the most special nights of the year. It's no wonder that many people wish to spend it in an extraordinary, original way – in a manner that remains memorable for a long time.
Where to go to the mountains in winter? 5 suggestions
The Polish mountains are definitely one of the more popular destinations chosen by those planning a winter holiday. The Tatra, Karkonosze, Beskidy, and Bieszczady mountains offer not only beautiful views at this time of year but also plenty of additional attractions.
Krynica-Zdrój in winter. Discover Krynica's winter attractions!
Krynica-Zdrój is a small spa town located about 30 kilometers from Nowy Sącz, which is an ideal place to spend a winter vacation. In Krynica-Zdrój, you can find everything needed for effective relaxation – whether alone, as a couple, or with family.
What to do in Krynica-Zdrój in the fall? Suggestions for the active and those craving relaxation
An autumn trip to the mountains is a fantastic opportunity to watch the incredibly colorful spectacle of nature changing its face, while spending time actively, discovering interesting monuments, and giving yourself wonderful moments of relaxation and unwinding. All this - and even more - awaits tourists in Krynica-Zdrój in the Beskid Sądecki mountains.
What to take to the mountains in autumn?
Autumn in the mountains is a magical time of year. Colorful leaves, crisp air, and few tourists on the trails create a unique atmosphere. However, do you know what to take to the mountains in autumn to fully enjoy its benefits without risking your health? The right equipment is key to a successful trip. Check how to prepare well and what to take to the mountains in autumn.
pomysł na prezent dla seniora
Looking for a unique gift for a senior? Gifts can vary – they can be original, practical, and related to hobbies. If you're looking for inspiration, below you'll find 9 suggestions – check out our ideas for a gift for a senior for the holidays, birthdays, or other occasions.1.
Good morning TVN on a holiday visit to Belmonte!
Staying in mountainous areas has remarkable relaxation properties and promotes relaxation and regaining balance, which viewers of the TVN television could learn from the program Good Morning Holidays, whose team recently visited our five-star hotel.
lato w górach
Are you planning to spend this year's holidays in the mountains? Krynica-Zdrój is a small town with a unique atmosphere, where you will find what you are looking for - focus on yourself or your loved ones, work on your form, and rest physically, mentally, and sensually. Find out why it's worth coming here.
How to dress for a SPA at the hotel?
A hotel SPA is the perfect place to relax from the rush of everyday life, unwind, forget about problems, and fully relax. Everyone deserves such luxury from time to time. Remember, it's completely normal to have doubts before your first visit, how to prepare, what to bring to the SPA, what clothes to wear. A few simple tips will help you prepare for such a trip.
How to dress for a team building party?
Received an invitation to a company integration party? Now it's time to find the right outfit. To ensure comfort, choose the appropriate outfit – when composing a style, you must consider the nature of the meeting. Learn a few practical and proven tips – get ready for the company party.
Where to organize a birthday party?
Birthdays are undoubtedly a special day of the year, which we gladly celebrate surrounded by family, friends, and acquaintances. However, as much as home parties have their charm, sometimes it's worth thinking about organizing a birthday in a slightly different place or atmosphere.
Krynica-Zdrój the arena of competitors' struggles of the European Games 2023
From June 21 to July 2, 2023, the 3rd European Games will take place, hosted by the Lesser Poland region and the city of Kraków. The sports competition venues will include Krynica-Zdrój, and located at its heart, Hotel Belmonte is listed among the venues recommended by the organizers for VIP guests and journalists.
Where to go for a long May weekend in the mountains? Popular travel destinations
A trip to the Polish mountains is one of the more popular ideas for spending the May long weekend. Although the Tatra, Karkonosze, Beskidy, and Bieszczady mountains enchant at any time of year, nature awakening to life attracts many tourists longing for rest to these regions.
Where do the crocuses bloom in the Beskids? Visit Krynica-Zdrój!
Blooming crocuses have become an inseparable symbol of the approaching spring. Even though they are primarily associated with Podhale or Chochołowska Clearing, captivating carpets of purple, yellow, and white flowers also form in other corners of the country.
Wellbeing – what is it and why is it worth taking care of?
Chronic stress, unpleasant atmosphere, overloaded with duties, or lack of appreciation can negatively affect work quality, effectively discourage daily duties, and can even lead to professional burnout. To prevent such feelings among their employees, more and more companies are introducing solutions that fit into the wellbeing concept.
Which pillow to choose for sleeping?
It's hard to imagine high-quality, rejuvenating sleep without a comfortable pillow.
Easter at the hotel – why is it worth it?
Spending holidays away from home is becoming increasingly popular – and not just during the Christmas season, as we are also planning our trips for Easter more eagerly. But what actually makes it worthwhile to spend Easter at a hotel?Easter at the hotel – relaxation in a festive atmosphereGoing away for Easter is a great opportunity for a short vacation amidst nature awakening to life.
Ideas for corporate integration – the most interesting attractions for business event participants
Corporate integration is a great way to celebrate the results achieved by employees or thank them for their hard work. At the same time, it is an excellent opportunity to strengthen team bonds and spend time in a different, less formal atmosphere. Apart from having fun until dawn and excellent cuisine, it is also worth taking care of additional attractions that will enrich the event.
masaż tajski
Facial or body treatments of the Oriental type are becoming increasingly popular. Thai massage, which combines passive yoga with elements of physiotherapy, enjoys great popularity among others.
Krynica Zdrój
Krynica-Zdrój or Krynica Górska? This question is often asked by people planning to visit the famous spa in the Beskid Sądecki mountains. And although only the first name is correct from a formal point of view, the second seems to be even more popular and more willingly used by many tourists.
sauna sucha czy warto
Treatments in a dry sauna, also known as a Finnish sauna, are known for their beneficial impact on health and well-being. Regular sessions improve skin condition, reduce stress and fatigue, and support the immune system. Due to its numerous advantages, the dry sauna is also hugely popular in Poland.
gdzie jechać z psem
Taking a vacation with a dog can be an extraordinary adventure – for both the owner and the furry friend.
Tasting dinner: game & wine
Join us for a 5-course culinary feast with game and wineDecember 10 at 8:00 PM; Aura Restaurant at Belmonte Hotel Krynica-ZdrójLate autumn and winter are hunting seasons. Hence, our menu now includes special seasonal game dishes, a former castle delicacy savored by rulers.
Black Week 2022
Plan your stay at Black Week pricesCatch #belmoments with us, now 20% cheaper! We are starting the big Black Week promotion! Throughout the week from November 21 to 27, you can book a stay at Belmonte 20% cheaper! The discount applies to offers with free cancellation: Stay with breakfast and Stay with breakfast and dinner available from December 5 to 21, 2022, excluding weekends.
How to surprise wedding guests? 12 inspiring ideas
A wedding is often described as one of the more significant events in life. No wonder then that almost every young couple approaches the organization of not only the wedding ceremony itself, but most importantly the wedding party that follows, in a very creative manner, often providing much more than just fun until dawn and the traditional 'oczepiny'.
jaki voucher podarunkowy wybrać
In our lives, there are plenty of occasions that deserve to be properly celebrated. Birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays are the perfect time to give a special someone a beautiful gift.
Grand opening gala of Belmonte Hotel*****
An Evening for Connoisseurs of Life - under this slogan we celebrated the opening of Belmonte Hotel*****. In one place, we were able to meet among people who had the greatest influence on the realization of this unique project.
czy sauna jest naprawdę zdrowa
A sauna session is a well-known and popular way to relax and improve well-being. However, many people still wonder if the sauna is healthy and how exactly it affects the human body. It turns out that regular sauna treatments can bring numerous health benefits, improving the functioning of many systems and positively affecting mental condition.
First in Poland electric bike enthusiasts meeting
From October 14-16, the first country-wide eMTB enthusiasts' gathering took place in Belmonte. The event, organized by Belmonte Hotel***** and Bike Garden Service, was a unique opportunity to test the capabilities of electrically assisted bicycles and spend a weekend full of attractions in the exceptionally picturesque surroundings of the Beskids.
wigilia firmowa jak zorganizować
The end of the calendar year is usually associated with feverish preparations for the holidays. However, the last few weeks are also a time for corporate holiday gatherings, which allow spending time with colleagues in a magical atmosphere.
gdzie wyjechać na święta w góry
Spending Christmas away from home is becoming increasingly popular. A holiday getaway not only allows us to forget about the long preparations, cooking, and cleaning but primarily becomes an opportunity to relax with our loved ones.
Krynica Tours with a guide
Krynica WalksEvery interesting place should have a good guide. Dear Guests, meet ours: here is Zuza, known in Krynica-Zdrój as the Mountain Witch! With Zuza, you will discover countless attractions and beautiful places, known only to a few.
Integration in the mountains
Krynica-Zdrój, often called the "Pearl of Polish Health Resorts," is a town located in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The informal name Krynica Górska is mainly associated with the spa climate. There are as many as 23 water intakes in Krynica, and it is here that you can taste such waters as: Jan, Kryniczanka, Zuber.
nowy wymiar odprężenia
We warmly invite all wellbeing philosophy enthusiasts to our SPA & Wellness Zone for Evening Sauna Sessions, during which we will unveil extraordinary sensations for both body and soul. The one-hour body heating ceremony will be led by a professional sauna master especially for you.
Picturesque Muszyna
Muszyna is not only about sanatoriums and healthy mineral water. Check out what our Concierge, Ania, recommends to see in Muszyna.About 12 km from Hotel Belmonte and 8 km from Krynica, you will find Muszyna – a picturesque and charming town located on the bend of the Poprad river. It is a great destination for an afternoon walk or a day of outdoor recreation.
Krynica Promenade Stroll
The Krynica Promenade is a true must-visit on the map of the city, well-loved both by the local inhabitants and the tourists. You will find here a whole myriad of various attractions as well as many historic building, souvenirs etc. If you don’t pay a visit to this gem of a place, it’s like you have never been to Krynica at all.